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Guest Blogging for Off-page SEO

What is Guest Blogging? Put simply, Guest Blogging is a content marketing and SEO technique where someone writes and publishes a blog post on a third-party website or blog to promote their personal/corporate brand (BigCommerce, n.d.). Guest blogging sites expose brands to a relevant audience and can be an effective method to generate awareness — but it is not without risk and must be done carefully and strategically to avoid Google penalty. Why Guest Blog? The first question that comes to many people’s minds when considering whether or not to author a guest blog is, “why would I share my knowledge and expertise to drive awareness on someone else’s site?” As with many considerations that people face in the digital marketing realm, I try to liken the question to a physical metaphor to help people see the value in an initiative. For example, my response to the above question (regardless of industry) would be along the lines of, “well, if you’re a professional fisherman trying to improve y

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